I haven't posted in a while, and as I look at other blogs, I have about decided that it might be better to just keep up with others blogs, and just let mine die.
Jim and I have been so busy with butchering turkeys, and canning everything that we got in our garden, that I almost don't know if I'll be able to stop. We killed the last of our turkeys that we are going to eat, yesterday. We have one that we are going to keep until spring at least. She is not a bronze like the others were, and she is so pretty that Jim can't bare to kill her. She is much smaller than the others that we have in the freezer. We also have 6 chickens that we are anxiously awaiting eggs from. We hope to not have to buy eggs over the winter. I bottled 9 pints of turkey yesterday, and 9 pints of carrots, and I did 6 pints of marinara sauce on Friday. I still have lots of tomatoes, a 5 gallon bucket about half full of carrots, and I want to do a few bottles of pumpkin. When all was said and done, we picked 32 pumpkins. What do you do with 32 pumpkins?? Well you give them to grand kids, and neighbors, and to the kids that helped us pick huckleberries.
We have decided that we are going to stay in this house until at least spring. We want to get a little more of a down payment in the bank before we decide to buy a house. That, and neither of us want to move in the middle of winter. That just does not sound like fun at all.
I am trying to get used to the almost 2 hour bus ride both ways to get to and from work, and I have done a fair amount of reading. I read three books last week. They have still not found enough work for me to do, that I'm trained to do, so I have a lot of what my boss refers to as "down time". They don't seem to care if I read, but they do not want to find me sleeping. Do you know how hard it is to read when your tired, and not fall asleep. I usually sleep on the ride to work in the morning, but it's still light when we leave work, so I read then.
We had a dinner here at our house on Friday with all of my sisters and brother and spouses. I made pizza, and they brought the salad, and bread and dessert. We called it a birthday party, because three of us have birthday's in October. We picked a day in December to all go to the Temple. Have I mentioned how thankful I am that Brett started praying a couple of years ago that "Grandpa Jim would find a job in Idaho, and he and Grandma could move closer". I am so grateful to be closer to family. I am also most grateful that prayers are answered. Sometimes I just have to stop and look at the mountains, or the sunset, or some of my Grand kids, and remember where all these blessings come from.